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Useful Philosophy Websites

Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy: is one of the most authoritative and comprehensive philosophy websites

Aeon: publishes original and engaging essays by some of the best contemporary minds on philosophy, science and the arts.

Dublin Review of Books: a superb intellectual magazine that increasingly rivals the NYRB and LRB.

Philosophy Bites: provides lively podcasts of top philosophers interviewed on bite-sized topics

In Our Time: Melvyn Bragg hosts an engaging weekly discussion with leading philosophers about the major ideas of long-dead ones.

Society: founded in 1962 this journal is dedicated to publishing original research and book reviews in the social sciences and humanities. (I happen to be the current Managing Editor and Book Review Editor of Society.)

Isaiah Berlin

Isaiah Berlin Virtual Library: is excellent and up to date source of information on the life, ideas and legacy of Isaiah Berlin.


The notion that we all have a writing voice deep within us can sound a bit glib. But its apparent glibness shouldn’t blind us to the truth that trying your own hand at writing is a worthwhile pursuit open to everyone. The fact that most of us don’t write for pleasure is no more inevitable or unregrettable than that most of us aren’t as kind or knowledgeable as we could be. In other words, the act of writing or not writing is ultimately a choice and one that nearly every one, consciously or not, chooses to forgo. I imagine the tiny minority of people who take the road less travelled rarely, if ever, repine since they discover an activity that is endlessly inspiring and challenging. And the wonderful thing about writing is that it’s never too late to try it. So why not take the plunge and discover where it leads you …

Dark Angels: expertly designed and delivered writing courses held in spectacularly beautiful locations that help aspiring and perhaps unconfident writers ‘bring their true selves to the page and become better writers’.


I have no expertise in the technical aspects of producing films but I intuitively know a good film producer when I see one. I have worked on a number of projects with the film-maker and photographer Paul-Michel Ledoux and it’s become increasingly clear to me that he’s the genuine article. He understands the power of stories and can help you capture them in clear, arresting and memorable ways. Check out his website at 1 MINUTE 40 which, by the way, Paul-Michel claims is the average time a potential client is willing to spend watching your video online before they decide if the story is sufficiently arresting to make an impression.