Welcome and thanks for stopping by.

Philosophy is a passion of mine. I have a suspicion that more people would take an interest in the subject if they opened themselves up to its charms. While genuine philosophy is likely to induce severe mental cramp, it is also a hugely enjoyable and insightful activity. It helps us think more deeply and clearly about all sorts of things, including making better sense of the world and our relation to it.

One of the more arresting features of philosophical inquiry is that you don’t know in advance where it will bring you. It’s a truly unpredictable and frequently exhilarating process of reflection and discovery about the nature and limits of our thinking.

My favourite short definition of philosophy is one put forward by an American thinker, Stanley Cavell: ‘philosophy is education for grown-ups’. The only caveat I’d add is that ‘grown-ups’ can be any age.